[ms4w-users] Mapserver 5.4 and MS4W

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Apr 23 10:00:53 EST 2009

Frode Wiseth Jørgensen wrote:
> Hi
> Do you know when MS4W would be released with Mapserver 5.4 ?

Hello Frode,

Yes a new MS4W release is in development.  A lot of the underlying 
libraries, for MapServer and GDAL, are being upgraded for MS4W, and 
therefore these changes will warrant an MS4W 3.0 release.

For the first time in MS4W, we will use the normal release cycle:
  - a few betas will be released, to test all of the new functionality, 
and make sure there are no problems
  - if no problems are reported, then a release candidate for MS4W 3.0 
will be released
  - finally the MS4W 3.0 release will occur

I ask that all MS4W community members follow along the progress of this 
release through the associated ticket 
(http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2034).  You can create an 
account there, login, and add comments. (it would be great to have 
several users add themselves to the CC of that ticket and then test each 
beta in their own environment!!!)  I'll also announce beta and RC 
releases on this email list, so hopefully users can test them right away.

So the short answer to the question is: MS4W 3.0-beta1 is in 
development, and that will include MapServer 5.4.0.

If you can't wait and need MapServer 5.4.0 today - you can use the 
5.4.0-rc2 release as described at: 


Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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