[ms4w-users] using ms4w as a WMS server

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Jun 26 15:29:00 EST 2009

Mark Volz wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using MS4W 2.3.1 with the Mapserver 5.2.2 upgrade and Geomoose as a 
> client.  I would like to know how to set up a WMS server.  I started to 
> follow the instructions in the mapserver documentations however I how to 
> format the “wms_onlineresource” correctly.
> The mapfile is located at c:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\maps\data\transit\roads.map
> 1)  Would my online resource be:
> "wms_onlineresource"  
> "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=c:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\maps\data\transit\roads.map&"
> 2)  would I supply the same connection string to my clients?
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=c:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\maps\data\transit\roads.map&
> p.s. yes I do realize that I am using localhost.  I will change that to 
> my actual server once I get things running.
> ****************************
>             NAME 'RoadsWMS'
>             projection
>                         "init=epsg:26915"
>             end
>             WEB
>               ...
>               METADATA
>                 "wms_title"           "WMS Demo Server"
>                 "wms_onlineresource"  " 
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=c:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\maps\data\transit\roads.map& 
> <http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=c:\ms4w\apps\geomoose2\maps\data\transit\roads.map&>”
>                 "wms_srs"             "EPSG:26915"
>               END
>             END
> …..
>             LAYER
>                         NAME "Roads"
>                         projection
>                                                 "init=epsg:26915"
>                         end
>                         metadata
>                                     "wms_title"   "roads"
>                         end #metadata

Hello Mark,

Here are my quick thoughts:

- a great way to see how to setup a WMS server with MS4W is to install 
the MS4W add-on package named "PHP/MapScript Sample Application"
   - after install, restart apache and check the bottom of the localhost 
page for working WMS URLs to your local machine
   - follow the setup of that application's mapfiles (in 
/ms4w/gmap/htdocs) for configuring a WMS server

- other notes:
   - for your CGI requests make sure to call mapserver as "mapserv.exe?" 
not "mapserv?" since you are on Windows
   - if you want to remove the &MAP= parameter in your 
onlineresourceURL, see the section titled "More About the Online 
Resource URL" in http://www.mapserver.org/ogc/wms_server.html (the 
Apache method applies here)

Have fun!


Jeff McKenna
FOSS4G Consulting and Training Services

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