[MS4W-Users] MapServer Oracle Spatial support

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jun 3 16:45:45 EST 2010

Clément MONIER wrote:
> But I’m still getting this error :
> “msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error. OracleSpatial is not 
> supported”


I cannot duplicate your problem yet, but I do have some thoughts on this 
issue that I would like to share with you:

- from your OracleSpatial error message, I can tell that you are trying 
to access your Oracle data through MapServer's native OracleSpatial 
support (your layer probably contains 'CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial')
- therefore the important step to follow is Step#2 in the README link 
that you referenced (replacing the libmap.dll)
- once you replace that libmap.dll, you can test if your MapServer 
install now supports OracleSpatial as an input, by going to the 
commandline, executing setenv.bat, and then executing 'mapserv -v'.  If 
the resulting string contains 'INPUT=ORACLESPATIAL" then your MapServer 
can accept OracleSpatial input
- I will add that little test to the MS4W README (I've filed a ticket 
for that: http://bugzilla.maptools.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2204)
- if I were you I would also extract the latest MS4W 3.0 on another 
machine and test there also (install an Oracle client, make sure you 
configure the client as a listener, then try the MS4W tests)
- if that same problem happens on another machine with a fresh MS4W then 
I bet there is a problem, and you could file a ticket with some test 
scripts at the link above

Thanks for using MS4W to share your spatial data.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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