[MS4W-Users] MapFish packaged for use w/ MS4W ?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jun 8 08:24:48 EST 2010

Julia Harrell wrote:
> Hi List
> A while back I think I recall seeing a listserv post (somewhere) suggesting that there may be tentative plans to make a MS4W package for MapFish. Can anyone tell me what the current status of this is, and whether or not it might make it into the final MS4W 3.0 release? 

Hello Julia,

The discussion on this happened a while back on the MapFish-dev email 
list (see thread at 
http://old.nabble.com/MS4W-package-ts24658422.html#a24658422).  No 
progress yet though.

If anyone wants to volunteer to create and maintain the package please 
add your comments to the related MS4W/MapFish ticket: 



Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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