[MS4W-Users] PHP-extension

Alexandre Trindade trindade.dev at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 09:29:51 EST 2010

2010/3/11 Yves Moisan <yves.moisan at boreal-is.com>

>  Le 2010-03-11 07:20, Alexandre Trindade a écrit :
> Hi,
> i'm testing the MS4W 3.0 Beta10, but I can not enable the extensions
> php_pdo.dll, php_pdo_mssql.dll and php_mssql.dll. Is there  possibility of
> them being included in next beta? or another solution?
> PDO should be enabled by default but IIRC you need to add pdo_pgsql or
> other specific DB's.  For other dll's I downloaded them from php.net(threaded) e.g. php_xsl.dll whic I need.
> HTH,
> Yves
> thanks
> --
> Alexandre Trindade
> PHP Programmer
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You're right, the PDO is included by default in PHP 5.3.1 but the drivers
are not in the package ms4w 3.0 beta10 .The PHP releases  that is available
in PHP.NET <http://php.net/> is 5.3.2, then when I add the extension
php_pdo_odbc.dll ( PHP 5.3.2 )  to  ms4w 3.0 beta10 ( PHP 5.3.1) appears the
following error message: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with
message 'could not find driver'.

any idea?
thanks for help.

Alexandre Trindade

Programador PHP
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