[MS4W-Users] Use of fonttype bitmap and autofollow in C# mapscript 5.6.1

Tiemens, Gerben Gerben.Tiemens at grontmij.nl
Thu Mar 18 04:44:36 EST 2010

Hi Tamas,
Thanks for your reply.

Ok, its not possible.
I could not find documentation or comments on this, on website or in code.

Best options:
For me:
- NO use of option autofollow anymore.
For Mapserver
- A decent exception is always better then the standard memory error exception.
- A litle remark within the documentation would be nice.

Greetings and thanks


Van: Tamas Szekeres [mailto:szekerest at gmail.com]
Verzonden: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 11:55 PM
Aan: Tiemens, Gerben
CC: ms4w-users at lists.maptools.org
Onderwerp: Re: [MS4W-Users] Use of fonttype bitmap and autofollow in C# mapscript 5.6.1

2010/3/17 Tiemens, Gerben <Gerben.Tiemens at grontmij.nl<mailto:Gerben.Tiemens at grontmij.nl>>

Is this a bug, or is it just nog possible to get autofollow labels with bitmap type labels? Or is it Csharp errors with bitmap font?

Unfortunately the autofollow option is not supported with bitmap labels, so my best chance is to raise an exception or switch back to the non followed mode in this case to prevent from the memory corruption.

Best regards,


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