[MS4W-Users] Mapserver and MrSid

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Oct 4 16:08:46 EST 2010

On 10-10-01 5:42 PM, Bill Harbour wrote:
> Pardon me if this question has been covered in the past…
> I’ve added our Mr Sids aerials into my mapserver application, but have a
> few issues. First is the reduced number of colors…i.e. they seem to look
> like the old VGA graphics. Second is a slow draw speed.
> Is the reduced number of colors something I can tweak in Mapserver???
> Thanks!!

Hi Bill,

Thanks for using MS4W :)

Regarding the reduced number of colors in your output image, this is 
usually due to the outputformat of your output image 
(http://www.mapserver.org/mapfile/outputformat.html).   You could try 
quickly to add "IMAGETYPE PNG24" to your mapfile (within your MAP 
object) and see what happens.  I often have to do this when using raster 

Let me know how that goes for you.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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