[MS4W-Users] Copying dll files to CGI-bin is enough?

Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 16:15:47 EST 2012

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Saka Royban <sakaroyban at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I've a windows shared host with a provided CGI-bin directory. Does copying
> those dlls (specified in readme) to CGI-bin is enough for mapserver to
> work?
> I can just upload cgi programs and run them and so no access to any
> configuration on the server.
That *should *be enough to run CGI MapServer. But the server must be
configured to allow .exe programs to run. By default, IIS is not.

Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at gmail.com
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