[MS4W-Users] MS4W 3.0.4-beta1 available

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Jan 27 07:19:48 EST 2012

On 12-01-26 8:12 PM, Richard Greenwood wrote:
> Jeff,
> It appears that you're building mapserv from trunk, not branch-6-0.
> Does the mean that there will not be a 6.0.2 release? That the next
> stop is 6.1?

MS4W-3.0.4-final will contain the next MapServer release.

For now, MS4W users wanting to give the latest MapServer code a try can 
use MS4W-3.0.4-beta.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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