[MS4W-Users] Install on new system issue

gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Wed Jul 18 07:57:58 EST 2012

Dear list,
You can use standard netstat command like the following :
netstat -na | findstr LISTEN

This command present the advantage to run on both GNU/Linux and any Widows platform. Replace findstr by grep and your are ready to use same command.

Note that I don't know the tool you mention which may offer other utilities too. Nevertheless I still think that you can with old tools ;)

Hope this helps,
Best regards,


------Message d'origine------
De: Jeff McKenna
Expéditeur : ms4w-users-bounces at lists.maptools.org
À: ms4w-users at lists.maptools.org
Objet: Re: [MS4W-Users] Install on new system issue
Envoyé: 18 juil. 2012 14:26

On 12-07-17 10:56 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> This might be useful to put in a FAQ for MS4W.

Actually this exact issue has been included in the installation guide
for many years (see
 There I recommend using "TCPView" to see what ports are used on your


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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