[MS4W-Users] [ms4w-users]

Thomas RAFFIN traffin at sirap.fr
Wed Mar 6 11:28:46 EST 2013

Thanks for the news.

But if it's easier for you to generate a 6.2.0, fell free to release a 
package ;-)

Thanks again for this good work!

The website http://www.maptools.org/ms4w send its index today.


Le 06/03/2013 17:08, Jeff McKenna a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> I'm working on a full release, which will contain MapServer 6.3-dev and
> GDAL-1.1.10-dev.  I feel users will want the changes since 6.2.
> -jeff


Chef de Projet Internet
traffin at sirap.fr <mailto:traffin at sirap.fr> 	Sirap <http://sirap.fr> 	Tel 
: 04 75 72 84 10
Fax : 04 75 70 07 98
Rue Paul Louis Héroult - BP 253
26106 Romans cedex

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