[MS4W-Users] MS4W Releases Lagging in Security Patches...

Frizby James Grandt frizby at aqua.wisc.edu
Mon Nov 18 10:57:33 EST 2013



It is clear from security scans that Apache server and PHP are vulnerable
between MS4W releases and need patching.  It appears that I should be able
to patch these products without a new MS4W release but need more
information.  Has anyone had to do this already and be willing to share
their patching stories?  Security issues should be addressed by everyone
using this software and not have to wait for a new release.


Thanks in advance.

James H. Grandt - Electrical Engineer/Sys Admin
UW-Madison - Aquatic Sciences Center
1975 Willow Drive   Room 214
Madison, WI  53706-1103
Office Phone: (608) 263-6961
Personal Cell: (608) 436-1552

 <http://aqua.wisc.edu/> http://aqua.wisc.edu

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