[MS4W-Users] Remove GDAL overviews from a tiff?

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Fri Jun 17 15:38:39 EST 2016


I used gdaladdo in the MS4W / GDAL to create JPEG overviews for a tiff image.  I noticed that the adding the overview failed and may have corrupted my image.  Presuming that only the overviews are corrupt, is there a way to remove the overviews to try to save the "original" image?


Mark Volz, GISP
Lyon County GIS Coordinator
504 Fairgrounds Rd<https://www.google.com/maps/?daddr=504%20Fairgrounds%20Rd,%20Marshall,%20MN%2056258?z=6>
Marshall, MN 56258<https://www.google.com/maps/?daddr=504%20Fairgrounds%20Rd,%20Marshall,%20MN%2056258?z=6>
Ph:  (507) 532-8218
Fax: (507) 532-8217

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