<div>Jeff, </div> <div> </div> <div>Ok - again thank you for your patience. </div> <div>Here are the steps I took this time... nothing more ... nothing less. </div> <div>Thank you for your patience.......... Very Much appreciated. </div> <div>- John </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>1) From cmd window ( cd c:/ms4w_2.0/ms4w apache-uninstall.bat) results below: </div> <div> C:\ms4w_2.0\ms4w>apache-uninstall.bat<BR> The Apache Web Server service is stopping.<BR> The Apache Web Server service has stopped.<BR> Removing the Apache Web Server service<BR> The Apache Web Server service has been removed successfully.</div> <div> </div> <div>2) Renamed c:/ms4w to c:/ms4w-old</div> <div> </div> <div>3) Unzipped ms4w_2.0 to c:/ms4w</div> <div> The unzip resulted in directory structure
c:/ms4w/ms4w......</div> <div> c:/ms4w</div> <div> c:/ms4w/ms4w/apache</div> <div> c:/ms4w/ms4w/apps</div> <div> c:/ms4w/ms4w/gdaldata </div> <div> c:/ms4w/ms4w/httpd.d</div> <div> c:/ms4w/ms4w/proj</div> <div> c:/ms4w/ms4w/tmp</div> <div> c:/ms4w/ms4w/tools</div> <div> (>>>note the nested level of ms4w directories<<<)</div> <div> (I assumed there should only be one level of ms4w) </div> <div> </div> <div>4) I corrected the double level of c:/ms4w/ms4w directories and resulted in this directory structure. </div> <div> </div> <div>c:/ms4w</div> <div>c:/ms4w/apache</div> <div>c:/ms4w/apps</div> <div>c:/ms4w/gdaldata </div> <div>c:/ms4w/httpd.d</div> <div>c:/ms4w/proj</div> <div>c:/ms4w/tmp</div> <div>c:/ms4w/tools</div> <div> </div> <div>5) At
cmd window, went to c:/ms4w directory and installed apache with results: </div> <div> C:\ms4w>apache-install.bat<BR> The Apache Web Server service is starting.<BR> The Apache Web Server service was started successfully.</div> <div> </div> <div>6) In IE typed <A href="http://localhost">Http://localhost</A> which resulted in the ms4w web page being displayed: </div> <div>(see below for result) </div> <H1><FONT size=1>MS4W - MapServer 4 Windows</FONT></H1> <H2><FONT size=1>Introduction</FONT></H2> <div><FONT size=1>Welcome to MS4W v2.0, the MapServer package for Windows. This package is intended to simplify your life if you are:</FONT></div> <UL> <LI><FONT size=1>a novice mapserver user who doesn't want to learn how to set up map server windows just yet ... </FONT> <LI><FONT size=1>any mapserver user who needs a quick and dirty installation on Windows ... </FONT> <LI><FONT
size=1>you're giving a workshop and you want 15 identical machines quickly ... </FONT></LI></UL> <div><FONT size=1></FONT> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>7) Unzip of mapserv_demo_ms4w results in this directory structure : </div> <div> </div> <div>c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w</div> <div>c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w</div> <div>c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apache</div> <div>c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps</div> <div>c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/httpd.d</div> <div>c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv_demo</div> <div>c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv_demo/index.html</div> <div> </div> <div>8) Double click: c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv_demo/index.html</div> <div>Results in the initial demo web page: </div> <CENTER> <H2>MapServer Itasca Application</H2></CENTER> <div> <HR> <div>This demonstration application will take you through various levels of complexity. Starting with a basic application that allows a user to pan/zoom and
change layers we add: <UL> <LI>dynamically configured scalebars <LI>javascript-based panning <LI>query results to a frame <LI>and finally, a DHTML rubber-band zoom/query capabilty </LI></UL> <div>The base data is the old-reliable Itasca dataset that we know and love... <!-- EDIT THE FORM ACTION --> <FORM name=demo onsubmit=submit_form() action=/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe method=get><INPUT type=hidden value=lakespy2 name=layer> <INPUT type=hidden value=dlgstln2 name=layer> <INPUT type=hidden value=2 name=zoomsize> <!-- EDIT THESE HIDDEN VARIABLES --><INPUT type=hidden value=/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/itasca.map name=map> <INPUT type=hidden value=/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe name=program> <INPUT type=hidden value=/mapserv-demo/ name=root> <INPUT type=hidden value=/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/ name=map_web_imagepath> <INPUT type=hidden value=/ms_tmp/ name=map_web_imageurl> <SELECT size=1 name=map_web_template> <OPTION value=itasca_basic.html selected>Basic Application<OPTION
value=itasca_adds_scalebar.html> -- Adds second scalebar<OPTION value=itasca_adds_pan.html> -- Adds pan controls<OPTION value=itasca_adds_frames.html> -- Adds frames<OPTION value=itasca_adds_dhtml.html> -- Adds dhtml rubber-band box</OPTION></SELECT> <INPUT type=submit value=Initialize></FORM></div> <div> </div> <div>9) When I click initialize button - nothing happens. </div> <div> (I do not get the question: Do you want to run c:/ms4w/apache/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?)</div> <div> </div> <div>10) Click on add dhtml rubber band and then intialize...</div> <div>this results in (red area where map should be and controls dislpayed - but no map is displayed): </div> <div> </div> <CENTER> <H1>MapServer - Itasca Application</H1></CENTER> <HR> <CENTER> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=390 align=center
bgColor=#666666 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD align=right width=18><A href="javascript:ms.pan('nw')"><IMG height=18 alt="pan northwest" src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/nw.gif" width=18 border=0></A></TD> <TD align=middle><A href="javascript:ms.pan('n')"><IMG height=18 alt="pan north" src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/n.gif" width=23 border=0></A></TD> <TD align=left width=18><A href="javascript:ms.pan('ne')"><IMG height=18 alt="pan northeast" src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/ne.gif" width=18 border=0></A></TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=right width=18><A href="javascript:ms.pan('w')"><IMG height=23 alt="pan west" src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/w.gif" width=18 border=0></A></TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#cccccc><!-- this is the holding spot (the anchor) for the map --> <DIV id=main_anchor style="LEFT: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 100%;
POSITION: relative; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 100%"><IMG height=600 src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/red_pixel.gif" width=600></DIV><!-- absolutely positioned layer to hold the map --></TD> <TD align=left width=18><A href="javascript:ms.pan('e')"><IMG height=23 alt="pan east" src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/e.gif" width=18 border=0></A></TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=right width=18><A href="javascript:ms.pan('sw')"><IMG height=18 alt="pan southwest" src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/sw.gif" width=18 border=0></A></TD> <TD align=middle><A href="javascript:ms.pan('s')"><IMG height=18 alt="pan south" src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/s.gif" width=23 border=0></A></TD> <TD align=left width=18><A href="javascript:ms.pan('se')"><IMG height=18 alt="pan southeast" src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/se.gif" width=18
border=0></A></TD></TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#666666 colSpan=3><IMG title="scalebar (km)" alt="scalebar (km)" src="file:///C:/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/itasca.map&map_scalebar_units=kilometers&mode=scalebar&mapext=0+0+112788.70461945503+112788.70461945422&mapsize=600+600" align=right name=scalebar_kilometers> <IMG title="scalebar (mi)" alt="scalebar (mi)" src="file:///C:/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/itasca.map&mode=scalebar&mapext=0+0+112788.70461945503+112788.70461945422&mapsize=600+600" name=scalebar_miles> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD> <TD vAlign=top bgColor=#ffffff> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 bgColor=#ffffff border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><!-- Note that we don't have a submit action for this form, we only need the form for some controls --> <FORM name=mapserv action=javascript:void(0)> <div><B>Choose an Action: </B><BR><INPUT onclick="ms.mode='map'" type=radio CHECKED name=mode> Browse
map<BR><INPUT onclick="ms.mode='query'" type=radio name=mode> Query feature<BR><INPUT onclick="ms.mode='nquery'" type=radio name=mode> Query multiple features <HR> <div><B>Select Layers to Display: </B><BR><SELECT onchange=ms.togglelayers(this) multiple size=3 name=layers> <OPTION value=airports>Airports<OPTION value=cities>Cities<OPTION value=lakespy2 selected>Lakes & Rivers<OPTION value=dlgstln2 selected>Streams<OPTION value=roads>Roads<OPTION value=twprgpy3>Townships<OPTION value=drgs>USGS 1:250,000 Quads</OPTION></SELECT><BR><INPUT onclick=ms.draw() type=button value="Refresh Map"> <HR> <div><B>Zoom Controls: </B><BR>Zoom In <INPUT onclick=ms.zoomdir=1 type=radio CHECKED name=zoomdir> Pan <INPUT onclick=ms.zoomdir=0 type=radio name=zoomdir> Zoom Out <INPUT onclick=ms.zoomdir=-1 type=radio name=zoomdir> <div>Zoom Size <INPUT onchange=ms.zoomsize=this.value size=4 value=2 name=zoomsize> <HR> </FORM> <div><B>Legend:</B><BR><!-- How you'd do a legend
varies by browser. With some browsers that support dynamic image size you could handle like the scalebars. Otherwise you need to combine the select list above with pre-computed images or use a popup window. --><IMG src="file:///C:/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/itasca.map&mode=legend&layers=lakespy2+dlgstln2" name=legend> <div><!-- this is the holding spot (the anchor) for the reference map --></div> <DIV id=reference_anchor style="LEFT: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 100%; POSITION: relative; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 100%"><IMG height=120 src="file:///C:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/graphics/red_pixel.gif" width=120></DIV><!-- absolutely positioned layer to hold the reference map --> <DIV id=reference style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; LEFT: 658px; VISIBILITY: inherit; WIDTH: 120px; CLIP: rect(0px 120px 120px 0px); POSITION: absolute; TOP: 608px; HEIGHT: 120px"><IMG height=120
src="file:///C:/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?mode=reference&map=/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/itasca.map&mapext=354928.44395259756+5180897.306813542+467717.1485720526+5293686.011432996&mapsize=600+600" width=120 name=reference> <DIV id=left style="LEFT: 21px; VISIBILITY: inherit; WIDTH: 1px; CLIP: rect(0px 1px 0px 0px); POSITION: absolute; TOP: 82px; HEIGHT: 0px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #989898"></DIV> <DIV id=right style="VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #989898"></DIV> <DIV id=top style="LEFT: 21px; VISIBILITY: inherit; WIDTH: 0px; CLIP: rect(0px 0px 1px 0px); POSITION: absolute; TOP: 82px; HEIGHT: 1px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #989898"></DIV> <DIV id=bottom style="VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #989898"></DIV></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER> <div> <HR> <div><A href="javascript:top.location.href='index.html'">back to start</A> <div> <SCRIPT language=javascript> document.write("<i>" +
args.map_web_template + "</i>"); </SCRIPT> <I>itasca_adds_dhtml.html</I> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div><p> 
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