<div>Jeff, </div> <div> </div> <div>Sorry about not responding to the mailing list.</div> <div>Just determined to get mapserv software running and included</div> <div>in the project for the on-line biological survey database. </div> <div> </div> <div>Here is what was done this time, and the results. I know this is a slow </div> <div>and iterative process... but am willing to work with it until it works. </div> <div>Just don't understand why its not working for me. Have done nothing</div> <div>to change the mapserv directory, files, or configuration since last time</div> <div>we e-mailed. Apache Web server is still up and running. </div> <div> </div> <div>Extracted the mapserv_demo_ms4w.zip to the existing directory c:/ms4w</div> <div> </div> <div>It resulted in creating these additional files which were added to the</div> <div>existing c:/ms4w directory structure. </div>
<div> </div> <div>c:/ms4w/appache/htdocs/mapserv-demo.pkg.html</div> <div>c:/ms4w/httpd.d/httpd_mapserv_demo.conf </div> <div>c:/ms4w/apps/mapserv_demo/index.html</div> <div>c:/ms4w/apps/mapserv_demo/itasca.map </div> <div>c:/ms4w/apps/mapserv_demo/itasca_adds_dhtml.html</div> <div>etc. (other demo files). </div> <div> </div> <div>The contents of the file c:/ms4w/httpd.d/httpd_mapserv_demo.conf</div> <div>are pasted below: </div> <div><FONT size=1>Alias /mapserv-demo/ "/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/"</FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1></FONT> </div> <div><FONT size=1><Directory "/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/"></FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1> AllowOverride None</FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews </FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1> Order allow,deny</FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1> Allow from all</FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1></Directory></FONT></div> <div> </div>
<div> </div> <div>The contents of c:/ms4w/apache/htdocs/mapserv-demo.html are: </div> <div><FONT size=2><FONT size=1><h3>MapServer Itasca Demo Application</h3></FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1><blockquote></FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1> <p><a href="/mapserv-demo/">MapServer demo</a></p></FONT></div> <div><FONT size=1></blockquote></FONT></div></FONT> <div> </div> <div>The results after clicking on: </div> <div>c:/ms4w/apps/mapserv-demo/index.html </div> <div>and bringing up the initial demo page are as follows: </div> <div> </div> <div>Select - basic-application (click initialize)</div> <div>---> Nothing happens. </div> <div> </div> <div>Select - dhtml-add-rubber band box (click - initialize)</div> <div>---> The controls appear but no map is displayed. </div> <div> </div> <div>The windows alert box with the question about
running </div> <div>c:/ms4w/apache/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe is ***not*** asked</div> <div>in either of the the two test cases mentioned above. </div> <div> </div> <div>Regards, </div> <div> </div> <div>- John Rust</div> <div> </div> <div><BR><B><I>Jeff McKenna <jmckenna@dmsolutions.ca></I></B> wrote:</div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Again, always respond to the mailing list. If u want direct support, we <BR>have rates for that (http://shop.dmsolutions.ca/support.html).<BR><BR>Yes, any ms4w package must be extracted to the same root of your ms4w <BR>base installation - yes overwrite directories and files.<BR><BR>jeff<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>john rust wrote:<BR>> Jeff,<BR>> Should I unzip mapserv_dem_ms4w directly to c:/ms4w but answer *NO* to <BR>> overrwritting any existing directories or files? <BR>> - John <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> */Jeff
McKenna <JMCKENNA@DMSOLUTIONS.CA>/* wrote:<BR>> <BR>> it seems like your zip client is adding the zipfile name to all<BR>> extracted<BR>> paths. ouch.<BR>> <BR>> jeff<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> ><BR>> >> 7) Unzip of mapserv_demo_ms4w results in this directory structure :<BR>> >><BR>> >> c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w<BR>> >> c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w<BR>> >> c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apache<BR>> >> c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps<BR>> >> c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/httpd.d<BR>> >> c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv_demo<BR>> >> c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w/ms4w/apps/mapserv_demo/index.html<BR>> >><BR>> ><BR>> > it does? Are you using mapserv_demo_ms4w.zip from<BR>> > http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=downloads.html? It<BR>> does not<BR>> > create a "c:/mapserv_demo_ms4w" folder. Are you saying that it does?<BR>> ><BR>> >
jeff<BR>> ><BR>> <BR><BR>-- <BR>Jeff McKenna<BR>DM Solutions Group Inc.<BR>http://www.dmsolutions.ca<BR>_______________________________________________<BR>ms4w-users mailing list<BR>ms4w-users@lists.maptools.org<BR>http://lists.maptools.org/mailman/listinfo/ms4w-users<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><p> 
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