Hello<br>I'm trying to conect with a SDE database With Ms4W version 2.9.0 and I was confiredthe files with ms4w web page instructions.<br>In the gdalinfo/ogrinfo --formats comand I can see SDE.<br>I create my map file but wen I conect to the base with ArcGIS 9.2 I found some problems:<br>
<br>The request of ArcGIS it's OK (GetCapabilities)<br><br>But mapserver error file tells:<br><br>loadParams() QUERY_STRING: map=/ms4w/apps/Cablage/maps/<div id=":3m" class="ArwC7c ckChnd">SDE_cablage_all_001.map&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities <br>
msLoadMap(): 0.031s <br>
CGI Request 1 on process 1812 <br>
msGetSymbol(): General error message. Can't load requested dynamic library: C:/ms4w/Apache/specialplugins/msplugin_sde_92.dll <br>
loadCustomLayerDLL: General error message. Failed to load dynamic Layer LIB: C:/ms4w/Apache/specialplugins/msplugin_sde_92.dll <br>
mapserv request processing time (msLoadMap not incl.): 0.000s <br>
msFreeMap(): freeing map at 01A569B0. <br>
mapserv total execution time: 0.031s <br>
<br>I have the correct dll in the Apache/ specialplugins/ directory I don't understand wath it's happening :S<br><br>And the log of Apache tells:<br><br>ERROR 1: Can't load requested DLL: C:/ms4w/gdalplugins\\gdal_SDE.dll\r <br>
126: Le module sp\xe9cifi\xe9 est introuvable.\r\r <br>\r <br><br>Can Enioen help me please!<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br></div>