[owtchart-users] owtchart 1.1.0 for Solaris hangs when points have identical value

Julien-Samuel Lacroix lacroix@dmsolutions.ca
Mon, 08 Dec 2003 16:32:14 -0500


I entered a bug on the maptools bugzilla (bug 156). You can put you in 
CC if you want to follow the bug evolution. However, I don't know when 
we will have time to address it. It's on the ToDo list, but not top 



Pete Schmitt wrote:
> I create chart files and create the images from them.  With the following file
> owtchart gets stuck in some processing loop (eats up CPU):
> I noticed that if I change one of the values in Vals by +-1, owtchart will 
> work.
> Type=Line
> W=500
> H=300
> NumSets=1
> NumPts=3
> Vals=262316!262316!262316
> Title=Directory: r1 - December 2003
> YTitle=MBytes
> XLabels=031201;031202;031203

Julien-Samuel Lacroix            lacroix@dmsolutions.ca
DM Solutions Group               http://www.dmsolutions.ca/