[Proj] reprojection of sites within SHP file to standard output

Frank Warmerdam fwarmerdam at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 10:24:44 EDT 2005

On 9/14/05, Dave Sampson <gis at watersheds.ca> wrote:
> all.
> Thanks for the repsonses.
> Ok, so after treading water for a few years in the open source world I'm
> in over my head (again).
> BASH scripting is painful enough. I could only imagine what python would
> be like.


No offence, but at some point you will likely need to master some
scripting language to give yourself flexability in doing GIS tasks
with a mixture of software.  

> With regret of having to use ARCview could the following work
> 1. Open shape in arcview (squirm)
> 2. run X,Y extension on SHP. Unless there is a  UTM extension in existance.
>         If the shape is projected in nad27 can I assume the x,y collumns
> would be UTM north/east?
> 3. Dump DB file as CSV
>        Could I keep the CSV with all 15000 points or should I create
> seprate file for each point at this stage?

There is no reason not to keep all the points in one file.  I don't
know anything about the "X,Y' extension so I don't can't address

> 4. THEN run proj for transformation of the two (x,y) columns in the CSV
> file to produce my successive collumns.

I am not sure how you are going to make proj ignore your siteid
column and only use the following columns.  Perhaps you will need
to use the cut and paste programs to split up and patch together 

> Can OGR be used directly to dump SHP points to a CSV?

OGR can write directly to CVS but does not place the geometry
in the CSV file (or at least not as separate columns). 

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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