[Proj] Creating a Custom EPSG Entry

Ryan Ollerenshaw ollerery at engr.orst.edu
Tue Sep 5 14:01:56 EDT 2006

I am working with some Mars datasets that i want to display using 
MapServer so of course i need to use a projection specified in the proj4 
EPSG file, but i am not totally sure how to create my own custom 
projection.  Below are the projection parameters for the data that i am 
using.  I think that the correct EPSG entry would be close to:

*+proj*=???? +a=3396190 +b=3396190

any help would be great.

    ProjectionName         = SimpleCylindrical
    CenterLongitude        = 354.60611161722
    TargetName             = Mars
    EquatorialRadius       = 3396190.0 <meters>
    PolarRadius            = 3376200.0 <meters>
    LatitudeType           = Planetocentric
    LongitudeDirection     = PositiveEast
    LongitudeDomain        = 360
    MinimumLatitude        = -2.0994573340362
    MaximumLatitude        = -1.81536402836
    MinimumLongitude       = 354.56314275078
    MaximumLongitude       = 354.64908048367
    UpperLeftCornerX       = -2549.6954683585 <meters>
    UpperLeftCornerY       = -107601.70179235 <meters>
    PixelResolution        = 4.5530276220687 <meters/pixel>
    Scale                  = 13018.743228352 <pixels/degree>
    TrueScaleLatitude      = 0.0
    LineProjectionOffset   = 23633.5
    SampleProjectionOffset = -559.5

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