[Proj] trying to understand results of reprojecting from epsg4326 to epsg 31370

OvV_HN ovv at hetnet.nl
Wed Jul 8 10:34:18 EST 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clifford J Mugnier" <cjmce at lsu.edu>
To: "PROJ.4 and general Projections Discussions" <proj at lists.maptools.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Proj] trying to understand results of reprojecting from 
epsg4326 to epsg 31370

There are two different geodetic conventions to the sense of the rotations 
used for 7-parameter transformations.  There is the right-handed rule used 
by the Americans and the Australians, and the left-handed rule used by the 

Reply from Oscar van Vlijmen:

Then again, it really helps to read the fu... (erm... fabulous) manual.
In the pdf article found under
"Transformaties tussen geografische cöordinaten (φ,λ) en vlakke coördinaten 
(x,y) voor Lambert 1972 en 2008."
on the page
everything regarding rotation models, signs, errors wrt the Lambert 1972 
projection is clearly explained.
It is possible that there is also a French version of that article 

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