[Proj] https://github.com/OSGeo/projgrids

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Mon Dec 18 09:44:16 EST 2017

On 2017-12-18 15:21, Even Rouault wrote:
> Following discussion in https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/pull/708, I've
> initiated a new repo
> to host (heavy) grids :
> https://github.com/OSGeo/projgrids
> I've initiated it by just unzipping
> http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-datumgrid-1.6.zip

Wouldn't it have been better to import all previously releases too?

I did that for http://git.linuxminded.nl/?p=OSGeo/proj-datumgrid


> The aim is to avoid OSGeo/proj.4 to become too big as we add new grids
> and have a way to
> better track changes and discuss new addition propositions through pull 
> requests
> Looking a bit at things, it seems some cleanup could be possible.
> https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/tree/master/nad and
> https://github.com/OSGeo/projgrids contain a few duplicated files:
> * ntf_r93.gsb
> * ntv1_can.dat
> * nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb
> (binary identical in both repo)
> And proj.4/tree/master/nad contains null.lla which is the source of the
> OSGeo/projgrids/null file (actually projgrids/null is a 'non clean'
> version of the result of the
> compilation of null.lla, with some garbage in a unused area of the 
> header)
> proj.4/nad/Makefile.am also list grid names that are hosted in the
> grid repo in the install-
> data-local rule, so both repo are not currently independant.
> So, I guess we could remove from proj.4/nad :
> - null.lla
> - the compilation rule of .lla files into CTable2 files (null.lla is
> the only remaining .lla file in
> proj.4 repo) (process-nad2bin Makefile target)
> - the install-data-local rule
> - ntf_r93.gsb, ntv1_can.dat, nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb
> That way both repo would be entirely independant. Packagers would just
> have to drop the
> content of OSGeo/projgrids in the ${prefix}/share/proj directory.
> I've given commit rights to the "proj-4-committers" team.

Preserving the .lla files in the repository is desirable because that is 
the source of the grid shift files.

Kind Regards,


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