[Proj] cct DMS input

Gerald Eisenberg eisenberg at teec.de
Fri Sep 14 10:01:14 EST 2018

hi all,

  how can I use DMS input format with the pipelinng scheme of PROJ?

For example here only the last input line gives the correct answer.
DMS input is apparently not honoured, but only decimal degree
input recognised. Am I missing an option to allow for DMS input?

>cat input.txt
30 72
30d30'3.77"E 72d44'59.082"N
30d30'0.00"E 72d45'0.00"N
30d30 72d45
30.5 72.75
>cct  -z0 -t0 +proj=pipeline +proj=utm +zone=35 +ellps=intl +step input.txt
  603438.4563   7991726.2305        0.0000        0.0000
  603438.4563   7991726.2305        0.0000        0.0000
  603438.4563   7991726.2305        0.0000        0.0000
  603438.4563   7991726.2305        0.0000        0.0000
  615792.6657   8076192.4701        0.0000        0.0000

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