Sorry for the nearly-off-topic message here! I don't know where else to turn...<br><br>Is it valid to use the two-hemisphere form of the Azimuthal Equidistant projection to compute great circles and small circles? <br><br>
Here's what I have been doing: I take a point that is the "center" of the great/small circle, use that as the projection origin for azimuthal equidistant, take the "radius" of the great/small circle (where 90 degrees is a great circle), generate points on a circle centered at the middle of the map, and inverse-project each of those points to get the coordinates on the surface of the earth.
<br><br>This certainly appears to give correct results, but I have no idea if it's valid mathematically.<br><br>If it helps, I am currently using a spherical model of the earth, but I am interested if this technique would work with the ellipsoidal models.
<br><br>Thanks for your help!<br><br>