towgs=`gawk 'BEGIN { years = 2; xd = -0.0761 + years*0.0110; yd = -0.0101 + years*-0.0045; zd = 0.0444 + years*-0.0174; xr = (0.008765 + years*0.001034); yr = (0.009361 + years*0.000671); zr = (0.009325 + years*0.001039); cs = 0.007935 + years*-0.000538; printf "+towgs84=%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f,%.6f", xd,yd,zd, xr, yr, zr, cs; }'` echo towgs parameters: echo $towgs echo # simple Lat/ Lon from ITFR2000 to GDA94 at 2002 # result should be 133d53'7.8478" 23d40'12.4461" 603.350" echo Computed and Correct results: cs2cs +from -w4 +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to +towgs84=$towgs +proj=latlong <