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[Shapelib] shapefile: cant read outshapelib@lists.maptools.org shapelib@lists.maptools.orgFri, 12 Mar 2004 17:27:30 +0100
Hi, what i try, my project stoped whitout reason. I try the follow : ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memberfunktionen ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CConverter::drawPolyLine(const SHPObject& obj) { // wieviele Teile? for(int i=0; i < obj.nVertices;i++) { // linie Zeichenen (dabei Konvertierung und Skalierung // der unterschiedlichen Koordinatensysteme) m_shapeView->DrawLine((int)(obj.padfX[i]), (int)((obj.padfY[i]), (int)(obj.padfX[i+1]), (int)((obj.padfY[i+1]), 0xFF0000); } } bool CConverter::PaintObjects() { // Wieviel Objekte gibt es in der Datei (shapefile), int nEntities = 0; // max Werte werden für die Berechnung gebraucht (siehe draw Funktionen) SHPGetInfo(m_shapeFile,&nEntities,NULL,m_min,m_max); // Image anlegen m_shapeView->Create(m_max[0],m_max[1],24,TIF); SHPObject* shObject; // Objekte in der Datei? if(nEntities>0) { // alle Objekte zeichnen for (int i = 0; i<nEntities; i++) { // Objekt auslesen shObject = SHPReadObject(m_shapeFile,i); // Welchen Typ hat die Datei -> Zeichenoperation wählen switch(shObject->nSHPType) { // Punkte case 3:drawPolyLine(*shObject);break; default:AfxMessageBox("Unsupportet shapetyp"); } } m_shapeView->Save("testbild.tif",CXIMAGE_FORMAT_TIF); return true; } else return false; } If i start my program whit this function it never come to an end. I think it is the first function who is wrong because if i replace the i<nVertices whit i<nParts it works, but i get false picture. I know the source (shp) is right. Someone know what i have to do that it works? PS: i try it some hours ;( best regards Michael
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