[Shapelib] Preparing PyShapelib 0.3

shapelib at lists.maptools.org shapelib at lists.maptools.org
Wed May 5 09:10:10 EDT 2004


I'm preparing a new release of my python bindings for shapelib.  The
last release was almost 3 years ago, and there have been quite a few
improvements to the bindings since then.  

There is one open issue in the Thuban bugtracker that needs to be dealt
with in some manner before a new release [1].  Basically, the issue is
that we've made a small addition to the copy of shapelib distributed
with Thuban and the CVS version of shapelib has a better solution for
what we were trying to achieve.  I've got two questions regarding this

1. Where is the new shapelib CVS?  Back when this was brought up on the
   Thuban list shapelib was still part of GDAL CVS but shortly
   afterwards shapelib has been moved somewhere else.  I can't find any
   hints on how to access the new shapelib CVS anywhere on the shapelib
   web-site or in the mailing list archives, though.

2. Back in December 2003 [2], Frank mentioned that he intended to make a
   new shapelib release soon, but obviously he hasn't gotten around to
   it yet.  Would it be possible to make new release soon?  We could
   then update the bindings to use the DBFUpdateHeader function.
   Otherwise well have to find a way to make our use of that function
   optional for the standalone release of the bindings.



[1] https://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2247
[2] http://intevation.de/pipermail/thuban-list/2003-December/000290.html

Intevation GmbH                                 http://intevation.de/
Skencil                                http://sketch.sourceforge.net/
Thuban                                  http://thuban.intevation.org/

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