[Shapelib] Using Shapelib in VC++ .NET

Andrew Cooper bigcoops at hotmail.com
Tue May 11 09:13:50 EDT 2004


First I would like to thank you for offering this library to the public, and 
it is greatly appreciated.

My problem:

I am new to shapelib and ArcView itself.  I am developing a VC++ .NET 
windows application for converting a file into an ArcView shapefile.  I am 
glad to have come across this library, but I am having a few problems.

I have #include "shapelib.h", "shpopen.c", and "dbfopen.c" to my project 
(first off, I don’t know if that is the correct way to add them).  Since 
dbfopen.c and dbfopen.c have some of the same functions, I am getting 
redifinition errors.  I have actually successfully created the .shp and .shx 
files before I added the "dbfopen.c" file to my project.  Basically, I need 
to know how to properly interface the shapelib library with my project.

Another question:

Is it possible for ArcView to automatically determine a projection (I 
believe that is what they are called in ArcView) based on decimal degree 
coordinates (or UTM) and to make a zoom to best fit a point shapefile?  
Would it be possible to code that functionality? Also, is there a way to 
create layers outside of ArcView?

Thanks in advance,


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