[Shapelib] DBFAddField

David Allen David.A1 at bigpond.com
Wed Mar 2 00:52:41 EST 2005

Fields can be added to dbf files using the Database-Desktop that comes with
Borland products and probably with code that instructs the Borland Database
Engine which is somewhat of a task to learn.

David Allen

-----Original Message-----
From: shapelib-bounces at lists.maptools.org
[mailto:shapelib-bounces at lists.maptools.org] On Behalf Of Helmut Lorentz
Sent: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 7:59 PM
To: shapelib at lists.maptools.org
Subject: [Shapelib] DBFAddField

I want to add a Field to the Attributtable from a Shape. The Problem is,
that the Shape just has records but shapelib does not allow adding fields to
dbf-files with records. May be there is someone who has a solution for this


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