[Shapelib] Adding new shape to shapefile

Bram de Greve bram.degreve at bramz.net
Wed Jun 4 16:49:36 EDT 2008

The extension has nothing to do with it.  At worst, it would create 
something like test.shp.shp.

As no files AT ALL are created, the problem probably is within DBFCreate 
and SHPCreate, as they should create file files straight away, even 
without the data being added.  Please, check the return values of 
DBFCreate and SHPCreate.   Are they null?  Probably they are, and that 
means the creation of the files simply fail.  And thus everything else 
fails too.

Try a more simple filename like just "test".

Are you prepared to step through the code in a debug session.  Maybe you 
can figure out what exactly fails ...

Good luck =)

thecrashteam schreef:
> Hi  Vassilis,
> I tried what you told me too, but it still not work. No error, but no
> files... It's hopeless !! ^^
> I think there is something wrong against me with this library !!!
> Thank you for your reply !
> Romain
> My code : 
> //création du dbf
> IntPtr ptrDBFCreate = shpFile.DBFCreate(@"\SD-MMCard\TestParcelle\test");
> //création du shapefile
> IntPtr ptrSHPCreate = shpFile.SHPCreate(@"\SD-MMCard\TestParcelle\test",
> ShapeFile.ShapeFile.ShapeType.Point);
> //nouvelle colonne dans le dbf
> shpFile.DBFAddField(ptrDBFCreate, @"\SD-MMCard\TestParcelle\test",
> ShapeFile.ShapeFile.DBFFieldType.FTString, 255, 0);
> //écriture de la valeur liée au futur shape
> shpFile.DBFWriteStringAttribute(ptrDBFCreate,
> shpFile.DBFGetRecordCount(ptrDBFCreate), 0, "to");
> //création du point
> double[] x = new double[1];
> double[] y = new double[1];
> double[] z = new double[1];
> x[0] = 803606;
> y[0] = 803606;
> z[0] = 0;
> IntPtr psObject =
> shpFile.SHPCreateSimpleObject(ShapeFile.ShapeFile.ShapeType.Point, 1, x, y,
> z);
> //écriture du point dans le shape
> shpFile.SHPWriteObject(ptrSHPCreate, -1, psObject);
> //fermeture du dbf et du shapefile
> shpFile.SHPClose(ptrSHPCreate);
> shpFile.DBFClose(ptrDBFCreate);

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