[Shapelib] can't DBFAddField after DBFCloneEmpty

Jeff D. Hamann jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
Mon Mar 17 14:50:38 EDT 2008


I have been trying to use the DBFAddField() after calling DBFCloneEmpty() 
with little success. I have been able to generate empty files with new 
fields, but what I need to accomplish to append and populate fields to an 
existing shapefile.

hDBF_Soln = DBFCreate( "results/shapes/test.dbf" );
bid_idx         = DBFAddField( hDBF_Soln, "bid",        FTInteger,  3, 0 );
period_idx      = DBFAddField( hDBF_Soln, "period",     FTInteger,  3, 0 );

works fine:

hDBF_Soln = DBFCloneEmpty( hDBF, "results/shapes/test.dbf" );
period_idx      = DBFAddField( hDBF_Soln, "period",     FTInteger,  3, 0 );

does not. Shouldn't these be the same if the original shapefile only 
contains one field names "bid"?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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