[TinyOWS-dev] Content-type in a WFS post request

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Thu Nov 13 09:23:48 EST 2008

Courtin Olivier wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2008, at 5:46 PM, Normand Savard wrote:
> Hi Normand,
>> I noticed that tinyows accepts only "text/xml" as content-type.
>> Tinyows rejects "application/xml;  charset=UTF-8" content-type.
>> I'm wondering  why this is the case.  I googled a little bit and 
>> cannot find a clear answer.
> Well i just follow the WFS 1.1 spec on 6.5 paragraph:
> </cite>
> When using HTTP POST method, the content type for XML encoded WFS 
> requests *must* be set to text/xml.
> </cite>
> I did'nt check on WFS 1.0 one indeed...
You're right for WFS 1.1.  As a matter of fact there is no mention of 
this in WFS 1.0.  How could we be more permissive for WFS 1.0?
>> Can someone shed some light on this?
> Fiat lux ? ;)

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