[TinyOWS-dev] [tinyows] #22: Cannot enable/disable the request XML validation

Courtin Olivier olivier.courtin at camptocamp.com
Fri Feb 20 06:46:30 EST 2009

Normand, Alexandre

> I do agree with you and more than you think since I'm working on the  
> compliance testing for MapServer.  However we need to provide a  
> workaround
> for an application developer to go on on his project and meets its
> deadline, even though a client software does not send a valid XML  
> request.
> Alexandre opened OL ticket 1779 (http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1779 
> ) a
> while ago and it has still not been fixed.

With latest examples provided by Alexandre, i've play a bit with  
libxml2 schema

I've got this kind of results right now:

- it's logical that validation failed on every request that need  
multiple schema
   (as we provide only a single one in schema validation parameter)
   So each time (in transaction operation) we need both WFS XSD *and*
   DescribeFeatureType XSD fragment result from one layer... it will  

- It's look(ed ?) like the same with GeoServer. I did'nt do test, but  
look at

- I'm not sure at all OL is really concerned about that issue

So there's a remain for two issues:
  1)  Be able to not attempt schema validation with an additional  
       operator in config.xml (so go on to commit your initial  
proposition on this point)

2 ) Look deeper on this, to provide a real schema validation solution  
on insert/update/delete.
       Something like a DescribeFeatureType query from all layers  
available on the server,
       that could be put on the FS as a cache ?


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