[TinyOWS-dev] [TinyOWS-users] TinyOWS 0.8.0 is available

Yewondwossen Assefa yassefa at dmsolutions.ca
Mon May 10 16:24:19 EST 2010

An MS4W package of the 0.8.0 version is available at 
It should run against

best regards,

On 01/05/2010 12:02 PM, Olivier Courtin wrote:
> Hi All !
> TinyOWS 0.8.0 release is now available !
> We strongly encourage to update to 0.8.0.
> As a lot of debug stuff have been done, since the
> previous 0.7.0 release.
> Caution: PostGIS 1.5 is now mandatory to use with TinyOWS 0.8.0.
> Detailed Changelog:
>    - PostgreSQL schema support
>      It means that you can use several PostgreSQL schemas,
>      and not only the default one (i.e public)
>    - JSON output format for GetFeature  (use OUTPUTFORMAT=application/
> json)
>      Nice to have, for OpenLayers usage.
>      A specific Howto is available: http://tinyows.org/trac/wiki/OpenLayersHowToBasic
>    - PostGIS 1.5 new geography support.
>      You can either use PostGIS geography or geometry types, they work
> both.
>    - Input request log mechanism
>    - Command line --check option, to check configure stuff
>      Really usefull in conjunction with --help option to help to debug
>    - Ability to deactivate XSD schema and/or OGC SFS validation
>      (even if it's not at all a recommended practice !)
>    - Up to date documentation and OpenLayers integration step by step
> HowTo
>       http://tinyows.org/trac/wiki/ConfigFile
>       http://tinyows.org/trac/wiki/OpenLayersHowToTransactional
>    - Slighlty improve performance for GetFeature operation
>      (about  ~10% faster)
>    - And a lot of debug stuff
> Don't hesitate to keep asking for new features,
> Don't hesitate to keep sending patches,
> Don't hesitate to keep helping in documentation process,
> :)
> --
> Olivier
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> TinyOWS-users mailing list
> TinyOWS-users at lists.maptools.org
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Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: yassefa at dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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