[TinyOWS-dev] No layer NameSpace prefix defined

Carlos Ruiz boolean10001 at yahoo.com
Wed May 4 15:34:10 EST 2011

Ok, this is weird.

I've downloaded the trunk version to help me to see what's happening, and this is what I have found.

I have installed TinyOWS 0.9.0, and works fine, TINYOWS_CONFIG_FILE var was not set, it works with 

the config.xml file.

Later, I installed TinyOWS 1.0.0, TINYOWS_MAPFILE var was set to work with a .map file. The ./tinyows

--check throws that the config file path was a mapfile, not a XML file. 

Then the error message "No layer namespace prefix defined" appears everytime I wanted to connect to my 

service with Quantum GIS, but the wfs_namespace_prefix and the wfs_namespace_uri was specified 

in the layer's metadata into the mapfile.

Seeing the trunk source code I noticed that prefix and uri config options in the XML config file was looked 

now as ns_prefix and ns_uri. I did this change in the config.xml file and everything works fine now.

Why if I'm setting the TINYOWS_MAPFILE var to take the wfst.map configuration, TinyOWS keeps looking 

for the config.xml file ???

The 0.9.0 version can be found at .../cgi-bin/wfst and the 1.0.0 version can be found at 

.../cgi-bin/tinyows10, so there's no way to mix the TinyOWS versions.

I'll trace the code to know why this is happening.

IC Carlos Ruiz

From: Olivier Courtin <olivier.courtin at oslandia.com>
To: TinyOWS developers discuss list <tinyows-dev at lists.maptools.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: [TinyOWS-dev] No layer NameSpace prefix defined

On May 3, 2011, at 7:38 PM, Carlos Ruiz wrote:


> wfs_title and wfs_namespace_prefix are in separate lines.

FYI, if i took your mapfile 'as is'  and only change dbname value and  
tinyows_table value,
it's works for me, on my box.

> Sorry, I was to say that I set wfs_encoding as ISO-8859-1, but  
> tinyows --check throws UTF-8 as the output
> encoding like if it ignores the map's metadata.

the wfs_encoding should be in the /map/metadata element, rather than / 
(as documented in http://www.tinyows.org/trac/wiki/MapFileConfigFile)


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