[TinyOWS-dev] [SECURITY] TinyOWS-1.0.0rc2

Olivier Courtin olivier.courtin at gmail.com
Sun May 15 13:19:24 EST 2011

Hi alls,

A lot of debug stuff have been done since previous rc1,  2 weeks ago.

But also several *SECURITY* bugfixes, have been applyed today.

You're so *STRONGLY* recommended to upgrade *NOW* your TinyOWS version  
in production.

Download:   <http://tinyows.org/tracdocs/release/tinyows-1.0.0rc2.tar.bz2 

Thanks a lot to all the team of (really) power users behind the  
solution, for these new rc:
- Boris Leukert
- Jukka Rahkonen
- Evan Rouault


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