[TinyOWS-dev] Problems with showing a WFS feature with OpenLayers

Ermond Parllaku erndal02 at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 20 11:35:42 EST 2012

Thanks a lot for you help Serge. I managed to edit and delete the layers :). I couldn't do it without your tip to remove the underscore (I think that was the only problem). I also changed the schema_dir, by giving the full physical path (since I am using MS4W) like C:/ms4w/apps/tinyows/schema/

The TinyOWS is really very nice.

Now I have to look for the Create New button which is not working correctly, but I will try to explore it a bit myself too. 
And after it I will see how can I edit also the plain data for the table in PostGIS, so that I can make the layer fully editable from the MapViewer.

I also set the before the log_leve="15", but maybe there are some issues with the permissions to write files. In IIS is done by adding permissions to the role from Windows (e.g., by setting the permissions to IIS_IUSRS), but I don't know how to do it in Apache

Thanks again

> Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 12:33:04 +0300
> From: serge at gisfiber.com
> To: tinyows-dev at lists.maptools.org
> Subject: Re: [TinyOWS-dev] Problems with showing a WFS feature with	OpenLayers
> schema_dir=""
> schema_dir - Path where TinyOWS schema dir is located e.g:
> /usr/local/tinyows/schema/
> (http://mapserver.org/trunk/tinyows/configfile.html)
> and please set: log_level="15"
> and then read error from log="/tmp/tinyows.log"
> BR
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