[TinyOWS-dev] GSoC - TinyOWS - OSGeo

Olivier Courtin olivier.courtin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 09:16:23 EST 2012

Hi alls,

The OSGeo foundation <http://www.osgeo.org/> candidates each year to the
Google Summer of Code, which is an Google initiative enabling* students to
participate to free software projects* during the summer holidays, and to *get
paid* for that.

This year, a new set of projects are proposed by the OSGeo foundation.
Oslandia could/wish/will mentor some projects, including the project
mentionned underneath. We are therefore* looking for a student who would
like to take part into GSoC 2012* on these topics.

The student application deadline is on *6th of April*. If you are
interested in participating, please answer quickly, as an application file
is to fill. You will find more information on OSGeo participation to the
GSoC 2012 on the following page :

For further informations, on TinyOWS GSoC project:


Thanks in advance to RT...

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