[TinyOWS-users] Layer not editable with QGIS

Nicklas Avén nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no
Mon Jul 5 15:27:54 EST 2010

Hallo Carlos

The problem is on the QGIS side.
As I have understood things, QGIS does not support WFS-T, only WFS.

I think uDig is supposed to make it, but when I tried I didn't succeed.

Nicklas Avén 

2010-07-05 Carlos Ruiz  wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm trying to setting up tinyows to edit some layers with qgis, I use the following config.xml configuration:
>     schema_dir="/ms4w/apps/tinyows/schema/"
>         wfs_display_bbox="1">
>    ...
><pg host="" user="postgres" password="postgres" dbname="postgres" port="5432"/>
><layer retrievable="1" 
>    writable="1" 
>    prefix="sitel" 
>    server="" 
>    schema="public" 
>    name="ways" 
>    title="Ways" 
>    srid="4326" />
>I can load the layer with QGIS but the edition tools appears disabled, postgres user haves all the privileges 
>granted in PostgreSQL.
>What can I do to make the layer editable ?
>Thanks in advance
>>IC Carlos Ruiz
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