[TinyOWS-users] Speed of GetFeature Request with 4 millions point

Marc-André Trottier marcandre_trottier at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 10 07:51:36 EST 2011

i got a table with 4 millions points and the gettfeature request take more
than 15 seconds =/
i have a index on geom_p.

My request in log file :
SELECT "ogc_fid",ST_AsGML(2, ST_Transform("geom_p"::geometry,900913),0,0) AS
FROM admgeo1."zz_aq_msp_adresse_geo_modif3" WHERE
5910761.888602,-7989665.720874 5910783.983681,-7989636.161242
5910783.983681,-7989636.161242 5910761.888602,-7989665.720874
5910761.888602))'::geometry) AND ST_Transform("geom_p",900913) &&
'SRID=900913;POLYGON((-7989665.720874 5910761.888602,-7989665.720874
5910783.983681,-7989636.161242 5910783.983681,-7989636.161242
5910761.888602,-7989665.720874 5910761.888602))'::geometry)

i was wondering if some st_transform could be removed from the SQL if layer
has the same projection as the request ?
maybe just transform the BBOX and the GML

Marc-André Trottier
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