[TinyOWS-users] Speed of GetFeature Request with 4 millions point

Olivier Courtin olivier.courtin at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 02:11:58 EST 2011


> why is it tinyows is doiing this before the main request on GetFeature :
> SELECT ST_xmin(g.extent), ST_ymin(g.extent), ST_xmax(g.extent),
> ST_ymax(g.extent) FROM (SELECT ST_Extent(foo.the_geom) as extent FROM (
> (SELECT ST_Transform("geom_p"::geometry, 900913) AS "the_geom" FROM
> admgeo1."zztiny_glissement_p"  WHERE
> (_ST_Intersects(ST_Transform("geom_p",900913),'SRID=900913;POLYGON((-7991157.138672
> 5911315.758475,-7991157.138672 5920182.453754,-7979538.710375
> 5920182.453754,-7979538.710375 5911315.758475,-7991157.138672
> 5911315.758475))'::geometry) AND ST_Transform("geom_p",900913) &&
> 'SRID=900913;POLYGON((-7991157.138672 5911315.758475,-7991157.138672
> 5920182.453754,-7979538.710375 5920182.453754,-7979538.710375
> 5911315.758475,-7991157.138672 5911315.758475))'::geometry)) ) AS foo) AS g

Because the GML output should contains the whole extent on the top of
the output stream.
But you could choose to desactivate it with: display_bbox to 0
Cf <http://tinyows.org/trac/wiki/ConfigFile>

> i switched the st_transform on the polygon in fe_spatial_ops.c
> (fe_bbox_layer()) but no significant gain

I'm still interrested by any way to improve this query.


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