[TinyOWS-users] some questions about table structure

Marc-André Trottier marcandre_trottier at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 9 13:06:26 EST 2011

when you says "relaunch service", you're taking about relaunch apache ?

Marc André,

>* 1- the_geom must be the name of the geometry column ?*
It's not a need.

The only point is to be sure that geometry_columns table
is up to date.

So launch a populate_geometry_columns if any doubt.

>* 2- i got a table who look like this :*>**>* CREATE TABLE zz_tinyows_test*>* (*>*  station character(254) NOT NULL,*>*  the_geom geometry,*>*  geom_p geometry,*>*  id serial NOT NULL,*>*  colonneint integer,*>*  colonnetexte character(254),*>*  CONSTRAINT zz_tinyows_test_pkey PRIMARY KEY (station)*>* )*>* WITH (*>*  OIDS=FALSE*>* )*>* everything is fine this but if i give the primary key to "id", the  *>* update is OK but i got this error in tinyows log when trying to  *>* insert a point :*>**>* [ERROR] Element '{http://****/}the_geom': This element is not  *>* expected. Expected is one of ( {http://www.opengis.net/ *>* gml}description, {http://www.opengis.net/gml}name, {http://www.opengis.net/gml *>* }boundedBy, {http://*****/}station ).*
First question, do you relaunch service if you're running as fast-cgi
after any change in your database schema ?
(if not XSD schema cached is not up to date anymore)

If it still end on error,
thanks to send:
- ./tinyows --check
- HTTP request sended
- TinyOWS config file

>* there is a relation with "attnum" in PG ?*
Yes there is,

If you are in fast-cgi mode, perfomed at service launch
else in mode performed on each new request.

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