[TinyOWS-users] Some features cannot be saved

Toni Martínez tmartinh at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 07:44:09 EST 2011

Hi all,
After a difficult and long way, I have been able to set up TinyOWS with
Mapserver and Postgis 1.5 so now my features are displaying correctly with
Openlayers and I can even modify and save them. But, I have found that some
cases, when saving TinyOws returns and error and those cases are when a
geometry has an "island" in the middle like this one
If there is no island, then geometry gets saved.

In the failure case, client is sending the following request:

<wfs:Transaction xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" service="WFS"
version="1.1.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs
<wfs:Update typeName="feature:molleres_shp" xmlns:feature="
<gml:MultiSurface xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
<gml:posList>541932 27814 541955 27842 541944 27824 541963 27862 541975
27868 541985 27869 542028 27923 542051 27946 542063 27969 542091 27989
542095 28013 542106 28015 542111 28002 542111.2507324219 28098.58544921875
542192 28052 542166.5261230469 28130.6318359375 542245 28095 542299 28098
542314 28111 542350 28116 542373 28132 542379 28147 542389 28134 542399
28134 542449 28162 542454 28177 542461 28179 542477 28177 542490 28182
542521 28198 542563 28227 542585 28226 542594 28226 542601 28236 542615
28252 542631 28258 542639 28269 542658 28282 542667 28288 542682 28300
542694 28310 542717 28317 542732 28322 542743 28330 542782 28346 542809
28335 542836 28328 542847 28318 542833 28308 542821 28308 542804 28315
542810 28302 542811 28281 542803 28276 542783 28275 542767 28281 542757
28278 542730 28285 542706 28285 542682 28279 542689 28260 542722 28249
542736 28245 542752 28243 542759 28234 542749 28226 542740 28222 542717
28228 542679 28241 542665 28245 542651 28249 542631 28239 542616 28224
542602 28214 542598 28197 542631 28214 542631 28201 542645 28195 542655
28197 542672 28189 542694 28181 542704 28175 542735 28149 542743 28125
542721 28122 542708 28116 542710 28099 542702 28084 542690 28076 542654
28082 542630 28087 542610 28089 542584 28107 542579 28093 542557 28076
542561 28055 542549 28046 542533 28046 542506 28056 542496 28058 542487
28053 542473 28036 542463 28026 542448 28021 542454 27991 542458 27977
542441 27979 542433 27979 542426 27964 542417 27951 542383 27934 542305
27937 542287 27932 542292 27919 542275 27910 542266 27909 542252 27915
542241 27926 542216 27937 542202 27931 542167 27936 542144 27947 542130
27954 542115 27931 542104 27931 542092 27942 542070 27945 542067 27928
542048 27917 542041 27916 542029 27896 542001 27867 541985 27833 541972
27805 541954 27789 541946 27776 541941 27763 541944 27756 541977 27747
541988 27750 541993 27747 541998 27737 542006 27731 542015 27727 542020
27724 542012 27720 541982 27737 541966 27743 541947 27746 541925 27754
541913 27755 541909 27766 541902 27771 541897 27777 541905 27783 541900
27789 541907 27790 541921 27791 541932 27814</gml:posList>
<gml:posList>542401 28028 542419 28029 542421 28040 542415 28050 542391
28043 542358 28047 542339 28053 542322 28064 542305 28069 542284 28076
542271 28064 542231 28042 542231 28026 542196 28019 542180 28002 542145
27986 542115 27972 542151 27964 542178 27956 542193 27959 542232 27950
542250 27942 542263 27940 542279 27944 542288 27952 542310 27957 542324
27944 542352 27946 542372 27946 542390 27950 542404 27964 542418 27982
542424 27993 542424 28011 542401 28028</gml:posList>
<wfs:Value>Riu de la Llosada 1</wfs:Value>
<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc">
<ogc:FeatureId fid="molleres_shp.640"></ogc:FeatureId>

And receiving the following response:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
 version='1.0.0' language='en'>
 <Exception exceptionCode='InvalidParameterValue' locator='Update'>
  <ExceptionText>Invalid GML Geometry</ExceptionText>

Any clues about how i can resolve a situation like the one I have described?

Best regards,

Toni M.
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