here is my mapfile :<br><br><b></b>MAP<br> NAME "GOLOC_MODIFICATION_TINYOWS" <br> EXTENT -1100000 -23500 1100000 2253500<br> WEB<br> METADATA<br> "wms_title" "GOLOC_MODIFICATION_TINYOWS"<br>
"wms_label" "Service de données GOLOC-Modification" ### required<br> "wms_name" "GOLOC_MODIFICATION_TINYOWS"<br> "wms_abstract" "Service de données GOLOC-Modification"<br>
"wms_description" ""<br> "wms_keywordlist" "Service de données GOLOC-Modification"<br> "wms_onlineresource" "<a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=tinyows">http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=tinyows</a>"<br>
#---------<br> # TINYOWS<br> #---------<br> "tinyows_schema_dir" "/srv/www/msp/dev/geodev1/services/tinyows/schema/"<br> "tinyows_onlineresource" "<a href="http://localhost/cgi-wms/tinyows_modif.fcgi">http://localhost/cgi-wms/tinyows_modif.fcgi</a>"<br>
"tinyows_log" "/srv/www/msp/log/tinyows.log"<br> "tinyows_log_level" "15"<br> "wfs_srs" "EPSG:900913" <br>
"wfs_namespace_prefix" "WFS-T"<br> "wfs_namespace_uri" "<a href="http://localhost/">http://localhost/</a>"<br> "wfs_title" "tinyows"<br>
"wfs_onlineresource" "<a href="http://localhost/cgi-wms/tinyows_modif.fcgi">http://localhost/cgi-wms/tinyows_modif.fcgi</a>?"<br> #"ows_enable_request" "*"<br>
END<br> END<br> PROJECTION<br> "init=epsg:900913"<br> END<br><br> INCLUDE "./include/"<br> <br>END<br><br><b>LAYERS_MODIF_CASERNE.MAP :</b><br>
<br>LAYER <br> NAME "CASERNE_VIEW_MODIF" <br> INCLUDE "./include/ec/" <---- the problem is here ! working only if in absolute path <br> DATA "geom_p from msp_si_v_casernes_geo_modif_900913_p using unique ogc_fid srid=900913"<br>
TYPE POINT<br> DUMP TRUE <br> HEADER "../templates/todo.html"<br> TEMPLATE "../templates/todo.html"<br> TOLERANCE 10<br> TOLERANCEUNITS PIXELS <br> #CLASSITEM "etat"<br>
METADATA<br> "wms_title" "Caserne de pompier (MSP)"<br> "wms_name" "CASERNE_VIEW_MODIF"<br> "wms_group_title" "Surveillance du territoire/Réseaux"<br>
"wms_server_version" "1.1.1"<br> "wms_srs" "EPSG:2036 EPSG:2037 EPSG:2148 EPSG:2149 EPSG:2150 EPSG:3797 EPSG:3857 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326 EPSG:26917 EPSG:26918 EPSG:26919 EPSG:26920 EPSG:32183 EPSG:32184 EPSG:32185 EPSG:32186 EPSG:32187 EPSG:32188 EPSG:32189 EPSG:32190 EPSG:32198 EPSG:42105 EPSG:42304 EPSG:900913"<br>
"wms_extent" "-1100000 -23500 1100000 2253500"<br> "gml_include_items" "all"<br> "gml_exclude_items" "geom_p, ogc_fid, etat"<br>
"ows_include_items" "all"<br> "ows_exclude_items" "geom_p, ogc_fid, etat" <br> "msp_classe_meta" "MSP_SI_CASERNES_GEO"<br>
#--------------<br> # TINYOWS<br> #--------------<br> "wfs_title" "Caserne de pompier (MSP)"<br> "wfs_srs" "EPSG:900913" <br>
"tinyows_schema" "admgeo1"<br> "tinyows_table" "msp_si_v_casernes_geo_modif_900913_p"<br> "tinyows_retrievable" "1"<br>
"tinyows_writable" "1"<br> "gml_geometry_type" "point"<br> "gml_geometries" "geometry" <br> "gml_featureid" "ogc_fid" <br>
#"ows_include_items" "all" <br> END <br> PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" <br> PROJECTION <br> "init=epsg:900913"<br>
END<br> <br> CLASS <br> NAME "Caserne modifiée"<br> EXPRESSION ( ([etat]>0) and ([etat]<=2) )<br> STYLE<br> SYMBOL "caserne2"<br>
SIZE 20 <br> OUTLINECOLOR 10 10 10<br> COLOR 0 0 250<br> END<br> END<br> END <br><br><br><br> content only the connection's parameters to PG. no include <br>
and the error is coming from TinyOWS and MapServer display the layer in WMS with the relative path to so the constant is respected, no ? <br><br>like I wrote on my last post (mapfile INCLUDE with relative path), i put in to comment the "IF" on OWS_MAP_MAX_INCLUDE_PATH in mapfile.c and everything works <br>
is that there may be problems without this check ? <br><br>--------------------------------------------------------<br>---------------------------------------------------------------------<br>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<pre>Hi Marc,
First of all, it's a Mapserver constant, not a variable. My bad because the hurries.
This is what the Mapserver documentation says:
        * The name of the file to be included MUST be quoted (single or
double quotes).
        * Includes may be nested, up to 5 deep.
        * File location can be given as a full path to the file, or (in MapServer >=
4.10.1) as a path relative to the mapfile.
So you can nest up to 5 map files by default.
This is what you wrote:
"MapFile: include nested too deeply"
what's the meaning of this error ?
Marc-André Trottier
But I can't see your map definition and the includes. Can you post them ?
IC Carlos Ruiz</pre><br>