[Cartoweb-dev] preselect tab / pdfexport

Lauber Christoph ch.lauber at geo-thun.ch
Mon Feb 19 06:11:35 EST 2007


I added a news tab (like themes, search, ...) in CartoWeb where I show
informations for the user. I added this tab on the very last position.
At the startup of the CartoWeb project I would like to preselect this
tab instead of the tab themes. Where can I do this? In some .ini or .js
file or the main cartoclient.tpl file?

An other question is about the exportPdf plugin. In my project logged
users have the right to print high resolution maps. This is the only
diference to the anonymous user. The allowedRoles in CartoWeb is set for
the whole format. Is there a possibility to set the allowedRoles for the
If I create 2 formats, I don't want to show the low resolution map
(anonymous user) for the logged user. But I need a common
general.defaultFormat for logged and anonymous users. If not, CartoWeb
throws an error. Any idea to manage this?

Thanks for your help
Christoph Lauber

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