[Cartoweb-dev] Time navigation

Johann Hiebl johann.hiebl at zamg.ac.at
Fri Jun 20 09:31:49 EDT 2008




I would like to integrate a specific feature to my Cartoweb project: In an
own folder (like “layers”, “export pdf” etc.), there should be three
dropdown choice fields – one for year, one for month and one for day. By
selecting an arbitrary date, a request should be formulated and ask for a
raster file named after the date located in a database. This raster file
will automatically be depicted in the map. Concretely, climate data maps
(temperature, precipitation, snow) shall be queried and displayed according
to the user’s requirements.


How could this be managed in Cartoweb? By adapting an existing Plugin, e.g.
Search or Routing? Is there some experience from a similar project which I
could get the script files from?


Thank you in advance,







Mag. Johann Hiebl

Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik

Hohe Warte 38

A-1190 Wien


E: johann.hiebl at zamg.ac.at

T: +43 (1) 36 0 26-22 96

F: +43 (1) 36 0 26-72


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