[Cartoweb-users] IGN GEOROUTE and PGDIJKSTRA

TECHER David davidtecher at yahoo.fr
Wed Aug 30 00:38:00 EDT 2006

Hi CartoWeb Team,

I'm trying to use the data from GEOROUTE from IGN France

I have a table 'troncon_route":

On my network, I have a oriented graph with a column name "sens" wich
can have 3 possibilties:

- "Double sens" two-way

- "Sens direct " one-way

- "Sens inverse" the opposite direction of my one-way! => from the
target to the source

Has someones any idea on how to solve the problem!

Any helps could be very appreciated!

I've already read the doc from pgdikstra!



 p4.vert.ukl.yahoo.com uncompressed Wed Aug 30 04:27:01 GMT 2006 
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