[Cartoweb-users] Errors when using assign_vertex_id function

Fay Du fay.du at versaterm.com
Wed Jan 11 13:27:02 EST 2006

Hi all:
Thanks everyone, especially Alexandre, helping me to install PostGIS and
pgdijkstra on windows. Now I have a new problem need your help.
I download the demo data and following user manual (page 28) to create a
table roads_europe and populate the data.
When I run following command, I got an error.
Command:   SELECT assign_vertex_id('roads_europe', 1);
Error message:
ERROR:  relation with OID 17715 does not exist
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT  id, the_geom FROM vertices_tmp WHERE
distance(the_geom,  $1 ) <  $2 "
PL/pgSQL function "point_to_id" line 7 at select into variables
PL/pgSQL function "assign_vertex_id" line 22 at assignment
What is OID 17715? Why I got this error? What I did wrong? Following is
step by step of what I did:
1.	shp2pgsql C:\temp\roadl.shp roads_europe_tmp > C:\temp\roadl.sql
2.	psql -d dcmms -f  C:\temp\roadl.sql
  CREATE TABLE roads_europe (gid int UNIQUE, source_id int, target_id
  SELECT AddGeometryColumn('roads_europe', 'the_geom', -1,
  INSERT INTO roads_europe (gid, the_geom) (SELECT gid, the_geom FROM
4.	  SELECT assign_vertex_id('roads_europe', 1);
I created a new database and use different data, I still got same error
Thanks in advance for your help.
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