[Cartoweb-users] Re: help projects and cache

daniel jaimes djaimesp at yahoo.es
Tue Jul 25 09:43:50 EDT 2006

this is the configuration of my client.ini located in /var/www/html/cartoweb3/client_conf,  please it indicates if this good thanks 
 *******   client.ini *********************************
 ; if true, SOAP will be bypassed
 cartoserverDirectAccess = true
 ; Current profile: may be development, production or custom
 ;  This will override some parameter values
 ; profile = production
 profile = development
 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;  The following parameters are only taken into account when profile=custom
 ; if true, WSDL will be used for receiving SOAP requests
 useWsdl = true
 ; disables the caching of wsdl (ignored if useWsdl is false)
 noWsdlCache = false
 ; disables the caching of MapInfo requests
 noMapInfoCache = false
 ; sets ini parameters useful during development
 developerIniConfig = false
 ; shows developer messages
 showDevelMessages = false
 ; Set this to true if you are editing the templates
 smartyCompileCheck = false
 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;## Cartoserver location and paths configuration ##
 ; Secifies the path for mapserver generated image when in direct access mode
 ;directAccessImagesUrl = ""
 ; The location of the cartoserver, used when cartoserverDirectAccess is true
 ; If it is not set, the default location will be used
 cartoserverHome = "http://localhost/cartoweb3/htdocs/"
 ; The base url of the cartoclient
 cartoclientBaseUrl = ""
 ; The base url of the cartoserver
 cartoserverBaseUrl = ""
 ; Prefix where a reverse proxy has to be used to access images.
 ; The reverse proxy has to be on the same server than the client.
 ;reverseProxyPrefix = "/reverse"
 ;## Mapfile configuration ##
 ; The mapId of the mapfile to use
 ;;;;;;;mapId = test
 ; The id of the initial map state to be loaded on startup
 ;;;;;;;;initialMapStateId = default
 ;## Tools configuration ##
 ; Indicates which tool is activated when in initial state. 
 ; If not specified, the first tool in the toolbar is activated. 
 ; Possible values are : zoomin, zoomout, pan, query, distance, surface
 initialTool = zoomin
 ; Indicates how to render tool selectors within toolbar
 ; radio buttons,  icons outlining (uses css classes), image swapping
 ; available values : radio, outline, swap (default is radio)
 ; for outline : make sure that toolbar_on and toolbar_off css classes are set for class rendering
 ;toolbarRendering = radio
 ;## Project handling configuration ##
 ; Shows a drop-down list for selecting the active project
 showProjectChooser = true
 ; List of the project to show in the drop down list. If not set, all projects
 ;  found will be used. 
 ;availableProjects = test_main, test_project
 ;## Plugins ##
 ; the list of plugins to load, separated by comma
 loadPlugins = "" ; no plugin is loaded by default (only coreplugins)
 ;## Security configuration ##
 ; List of roles which are allowed to access the cartoweb. Set to 'all' if no
 ;  restriction is given.
 securityAllowedRoles = all
 ;## Template engine configuration ##
 ; Set this to true to show the Smarty debugging console. Very useful while working
 ; on templates
 smartyDebugging = false
 ;## Internationalization ##
 ; default language
 defaultLang = en
 ; languages to make available in the viewer, list order gives links order
 ;langList = de, en, fr
 ; Charset encoder class
 EncoderClass.config = EncoderISO
 EncoderClass.output = EncoderUTF
 ;## Views management ##
 viewOn = false
 viewStorage = file
 viewablePlugins = location, layers, query, outline
 viewMetas = author
 viewDsn = pgsql://www-data@localhost/cw3_test
 viewAuth = admin
 ;viewSavedRequest = someRequestVarname
 viewLogErrors = false
 viewUpgradeOutdated = false
 ;## toolPicker ##
 toolPickerOn = true


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