[Cartoweb-users] sessionable plugin

giuseppe.derossi at email.it giuseppe.derossi at email.it
Mon Mar 27 09:26:19 EST 2006

I'm trying to set my plugin sessionable in order to store the results. 
A long story short, I write a string as input for my plugin, the plugin
for some data and display them in a box. The results are a set of
coordinates and are displayed as clickble links, now if I click on one of
them I get the map to be recentered and some info to be displayed, but at
this point I miss the previous
results and the folder is changed to the default, so I should to click on my
folder plugin and reinsert the input string. 

I'm studying the Query Plugin and maybe it's so good but I don't know how to
plug in my query results, by now, I'm adding the sessionable-logic into my
plugin : in my first attempt I get no results, I send the logic in a
simplified php language:

// my data structure to be stored
class ResultFromDataBase {    
    public $CoordinatesFromDataBase = array();

// my plugin main class
class ClientRicercaPar extends ClientPlugin implements Sessionable,
GuiProvider, FilterProvider {

    protected $ResultFromDataBase;    

// implementation of sessionable interface
public function createSession(MapInfo $mapInfo, 
                                  InitialMapState $initialMapState) {
        $this->ResultFromDataBase = new ResultFromDataBase();
public function saveSession() {
        if (!$this->getConfig()->persistentQueries) {
            // Do not store selections
            $this->ResultFromDataBase->CoordinatesFromDataBase = array(); 

        return $this->ResultFromDataBase;
public function loadSession($sessionObject) {
        $this->ResultFromDataBase = $sessionObject;
protected function clearSession() {
        $this->ResultFromDataBase->CoordinatesFromDataBase = array();

// implementation of filter interface

public function filterPostRequest(FilterRequestModifier $request) {
    	  $first_input = $request->getValue('first_input');
          $second_input_from_ResultFromDataBase =

    	  if (!empty($first_input)) {
             $ResultFromDataBase = $this->makeSearch($first_input)
          if (!empty($second_input_from_ResultFromDataBase)){
             $request->setValue('recenter_x', $second_input_x);
             $request->setValue('recenter_y', $second_input_y);

public function renderForm(Smarty $template) {
    	$template->assign('ricercaPar', $this->drawUserForm());

    protected function drawUserForm() {
      $smarty = new Smarty_Plugin($this->getCartoclient(), $this);    
      $smarty->assign('first_input', $this->first_input );
      $smarty->assign('ResultFromDataBase', $this->ResultFromDataBase );  
      return $smarty->fetch('myPlugin.tpl');

// my method for gathering data
protected function makeSearch($searchString) {
      // query on DB
      return ResultFromDataBase

Can anybody give me a piece of advice ? In order to get my results is
modifying the query-plugin easier ?

Tnk in advantage.

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