[Cartoweb-users] Retrieving a Smarty Variable from cartoclient.tpl and writing its contents to a html file

Max Ueda mhanzo at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 10 13:59:00 EST 2006


Because of my lack of knowledge about how Smarty
works, I've been unable to solve this issue: I'm
trying to retrieve the values of a  Smarty variable
into a {php} {/php} section, located inside the
./projects/MyProject/templates/cartoclient.tpl . 

The problem is simple, I wish to have the
query_by_bbox results to be written inside a html
file. I have realised that those results are stored
inside the cartoclient.tpl Smarty variable,
$tables_result. So, I've developed this simple piece
of php code:

  $tablesResult = $tables_result;
  $file = fopen("messagem.html","w");
  $tag1= "<html><head><title></title></head><body>";
  fwrite($file, $tablesResult);
  fwrite($file, $tag2);

But it generates a blank html file (messagem.html).
What is wrong with this piece of code? Is it possible
to have this working that way (inside the
cartoclient.tpl file)?

Thanks in advance,

Max H. Ueda

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